Ali S. Titiz, PhD

Neurosurgery University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
dbs, sleep, epilepsy, memory, lupus, sepsis
"Ali Titiz"
Mean distance: 14.51 (cluster 17)


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Nanthia A. Suthana grad student UCLA
Pierre-Pascal Lenck-Santini grad student 2009- Dartmouth Medical School
Gregory L. Holmes grad student 2009-2014 Dartmouth
 (Memory Consolidation in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.)
Rod C. Scott grad student 2009-2014 Dartmouth
Itzhak Fried post-doc 2014-2016 UCLA
Rafael J. Cabeza research scientist Grinnell College
Oktay Seymen research scientist 2005-2006 University of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Mark R. Opp research scientist 2008-2008 University of Michigan Medical School
Emanuel Mignot research scientist 2008-2009 Stanford School of Medicine
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Mankin EA, Aghajan ZM, Schuette P, et al. (2020) Stimulation of the right entorhinal white matter enhances visual memory encoding in humans. Brain Stimulation
Titiz AS, Hill MRH, Mankin EA, et al. (2017) Theta-burst microstimulation in the human entorhinal area improves memory specificity. Elife. 6
Titiz AS, Hill MRH, Mankin EA, et al. (2017) Author response: Theta-burst microstimulation in the human entorhinal area improves memory specificity Elife
Mahoney JM, Titiz AS, Hernan AE, et al. (2016) Short-Range Temporal Interactions in Sleep; Hippocampal Spike Avalanches Support a Large Milieu of Sequential Activity Including Replay. Plos One. 11: e0147708
Titiz AS, Mahoney JM, Testorf ME, et al. (2014) Cognitive impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy: role of online and offline processing of single cell information. Hippocampus. 24: 1129-45
Richard GR, Titiz A, Tyler A, et al. (2013) Speed modulation of hippocampal theta frequency correlates with spatial memory performance. Hippocampus. 23: 1269-79
Testorf ME, Jobst BC, Kleen JK, et al. (2012) Joint time-frequency analysis of EEG signals based on a phase-space interpretation of the recording process Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8500
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