Edward K. Morris

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
"Edward Morris"
Mean distance: 17.18 (cluster 8)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Sidney Bijou grad student 1976 UIUC


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Stephen T. Higgins grad student University of Kansas
James Thomson Todd grad student University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Bryan D. Midgley grad student 2000 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Kristie M. Frissen-Thompson grad student 2002 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Katherine L. Stewart grad student 2005 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Robert T. Peyton grad student 2006 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Jennifer A. Wosmek grad student 2008 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Adam T. Brewer grad student 2012 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Charryse F. Luckey grad student 2012 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Anna C. Naylor grad student 2013 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Tracie B. Mann grad student 2014 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Maren E. Turner grad student 2014 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Morris EK, Morris C. (2023) Giving the history of psychology away in behavior analysis. History of Psychology. 26: 185-186
Morris EK. (2022) Introduction to Teaching the History of Behavior Analysis: Past, Purpose, and Prologue. Perspectives On Behavior Science. 45: 697-710
Morris EK. (2021) Frances Degen Horowitz (1932-2021): Her legacy to behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Altus DE, Morris EK, Smith NG. (2020) A study in the emergence of applied behavior analysis through the referencing patterns in its founding articles European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 1-32
Morris EK, Luckey CF. (2018) A note on a precursor of behavioral momentum. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 109: 66-69
Morris EK. (2015) In Memoriam: Nathaniel Gene Smith 1976–2014 Behavior Analyst. 38: 143-145
Morris EK. (2014) Stop Preaching to the Choir, Publish Outside the Box: A Discussion. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 37: 87-94
Morris EK, Altus DE, Smith NG. (2013) A study in the founding of applied behavior analysis through its publications. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 36: 73-107
Morris EK. (2013) The Legacy Of John B. Watson’S Behaviorist Manifesto For Applied Behavior Analysis Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad. 39: 156-179
McKerchar TL, Morris EK, Smith NG. (2011) A Quantitative Analysis and Natural History of B. F. Skinner's Coauthoring Practices. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 34: 75-91
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