William Wilson Lambert

Psychology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"William Lambert"

William Wilson Lambert, 85, died on February 26, 2005 in Arlington, VA. A fifty-five year resident of the Ithaca area, he was born May 10, 1919 in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada, son of the late Harry Lambert and Alice (Grace) McPhee Babcock Lambert. He is survived by his brother, Wallace E. Lambert, who lives in Montreal with his wife, Janine. His wife, Elisabeth Carr Lambert, died in 1998.
His family emigrated to Taunton, MA when he was six. He was a hard-working and brilliant student and attended Taunton High School, Mt. Herman School, Brown University, the University of Nebraska, and Harvard University, where he earned his Ph.D. in psychology in 1950. During World War II, he was a research specialist for the Navy in Washington, D.C.
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Harry Triandis grad student Cornell
Frank Rosenblatt grad student 1956 Cornell (Neurotree)
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TRIANDIS HC, LAMBERT WW. (1958) A restatement and test of Schlosberg's theory of emotion with two kinds of subjects from Greece. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 56: 321-8
LAMBERT WW, SOLOMON RL, WATSON PD. (1949) Reinforcement and extinction as factors in size estimation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 39: 637-41
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