Joakim Strandberg

University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden 
"Joakim Strandberg"
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Wintzell L, Klemetz S, Lange S, et al. (2022) Upregulation of the Endogenous Peptide Antisecretory Factor Enhances Hippocampal Long-term Potentiation and Promotes Learning in Wistar Rats. Neuroscience. 490: 120-130
Izsak J, Vizlin-Hodzic D, Iljin M, et al. (2020) TGF-β1 Suppresses Proliferation and Induces Differentiation in Human iPSC Neural Models. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 8: 571332
Vizlin-Hodzic D, Zhai Q, Illes S, et al. (2017) Early onset of inflammation during ontogeny of bipolar disorder: the NLRP2 inflammasome gene distinctly differentiates between patients and healthy controls in the transition between iPS cell and neural stem cell stages. Translational Psychiatry. 7: e1010
Bergström P, Agholme L, Nazir FH, et al. (2016) Amyloid precursor protein expression and processing are differentially regulated during cortical neuron differentiation. Scientific Reports. 6: 29200
Strandberg J, Lindquist C, Lange S, et al. (2014) The endogenous peptide antisecretory factor promotes tonic GABAergic signaling in CA1 stratum radiatum interneurons. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8: 13
Agholme L, Nazir F, Strandberg J, et al. (2014) P4-243: SECRETION OF ABETA, SAPP, AND TAU DURING DEVELOPMENT OF CORTICAL NEURONS Alzheimer's & Dementia. 10: P875-P875
Wasling P, Strandberg J, Hanse E. (2012) AMPA receptor activation causes silencing of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the developing hippocampus. Plos One. 7: e34474
Strandberg J, Gustafsson B. (2011) Critical and complex role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in long-term depression at CA3-CA1 synapses in the developing hippocampus. Neuroscience. 192: 54-66
Kondziella D, Strandberg J, Lindquist C, et al. (2011) Lamotrigine increases the number of BrdU-labeled cells in the rat hippocampus. Neuroreport. 22: 97-100
Faijerson J, Thorsell A, Strandberg J, et al. (2009) Adult neural stem/progenitor cells reduce NMDA-induced excitotoxicity via the novel neuroprotective peptide pentinin. Journal of Neurochemistry. 109: 858-66
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