Evgeniy Georgievich Litvinov
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"Evgeniy Litvinov"Bio:
Евгений Георгиевич Литвинов
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Buravkov SV, Nikonova EA, Litvinov EG. (1993) [Metabolic markers of neuronal activity]. Morfologiií¡a (Saint Petersburg, Russia). 104: 132-9 |
Litvinov EG, Logunov DB. (1980) Changes in excitability of a command neuron in the initial period of conditioning in Helix pomatia. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 10: 539-47 |
Litvinov EG, Logunov DB. (1979) [Changes in the excitability of command neurons during the initial period of conditioned reflex formation in grape snails]. Zhurnal Vyssheä Nervnoä Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 29: 284-94 |
Litvinov EG, Frolov AA. (1978) [Network of plastic neurons capable of forming conditioned reflexes ("membrane" model of learning)]. Biofizika. 23: 1069-75 |
Balaban PM, Litvinov EG. (1977) [Command neurons in the unconditioned reflex arc of the grape snail]. Zhurnal Vyssheä Nervnoä Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 27: 538-44 |
Litvinov EG, Maksimova OA, Balaban PM, et al. (1976) Conditioned defense reactions of the grape snail. Zhurnal Vyssheä Nervnoä Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 26: 203-6 |
Balaban PM, Litvinov EG. (1975) [Participation of identified neurons in an unconditioned reflex in snails]. Zhurnal Vyssheä Nervnoä Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 25: 1320-3 |
Litvinov EG, Balaban PM. (1973) [Endogenous potentials in the organization of neuronal spike responses to a sensory stimulus]. Zhurnal Vyssheä Nervnoä Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 23: 1313-5 |