Shao-Chin Hung

Neuroscience University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States 
Visual Plasticity
"Shao-Chin Hung"
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Hung SC, Barbot A, Carrasco M. (2023) Visual perceptual learning modulates microsaccade rate and directionality. Scientific Reports. 13: 16525
Hung SC, Carrasco M. (2022) Microsaccades as a long-term oculomotor correlate in visual perceptual learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Hung SC, Carrasco M. (2021) Feature-based attention enables robust, long-lasting location transfer in human perceptual learning. Scientific Reports. 11: 13914
Talluri BC, Hung SC, Seitz AR, et al. (2015) Confidence-based integrated reweighting model of task-difficulty explains location-based specificity in perceptual learning. Journal of Vision. 15: 17
Hung SC, Seitz AR. (2014) Prolonged training at threshold promotes robust retinotopic specificity in perceptual learning. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 8423-31
Hung S, Seitz A. (2013) Spatial Specificity in a 3-dot Hyperacuity Task after Double Training Journal of Vision. 13: 1091-1091
Hung SC, Seitz AR. (2011) Retrograde interference in perceptual learning of a peripheral hyperacuity task. Plos One. 6: e24556
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