Nancy L. Marks, Ph.D.

2001 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
"Nancy Marks"
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Joseph B. Hellige grad student 2001 USC
 (Interhemispheric interaction in bilateral redundancy gain: Effects of physical similarity.)
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Marks NL, Hellige JB. (2003) Interhemispheric interaction in bilateral redundancy gain: effects of stimulus format. Neuropsychology. 17: 578-93
Hellige JB, Marks NL. (2001) Are hemispheric strategy differences independent of the level of performance? Neuropsychology. 15: 380-95
Marks NL, Hellige JB. (1999) Effects of bilateral stimulation and stimulus redundancy on interhemispheric interaction. Neuropsychology. 13: 475-87
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