Michael R. Maples, Ph.D.

2000 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
Guidance and Counseling Education, Higher Education
"Michael Maples"
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John Westefeld grad student 2000 University of Iowa
 (Rural students' satisfaction with college environment: An ecological consideration.)
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Sandlow JI, Westefeld JS, Maples MR, et al. (2001) Psychological correlates of vasectomy. Fertility and Sterility. 75: 544-8
Westefeld JS, Maples MR, Buford B, et al. (2001) Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 15: 71-82
Westefeld JS, Werth JL, Range LM, et al. (2000) Contemporary issues in suicidology: A reply to Hoffman, Neimeyer, and Silverman Counseling Psychologist. 28: 573-578
Westefeld JS, Werth JL, Range LM, et al. (2000) Contemporary Issues in Suicidology The Counseling Psychologist. 28: 573-578
Westefeld JS, Range LM, Rogers JR, et al. (2000) Suicide The Counseling Psychologist. 28: 445-510
Westefeld JS, Range LM, Rogers JR, et al. (2000) Suicide: An overview Counseling Psychologist. 28: 445-510
Westefeld JS, Maples M. (1998) The MMPI-2 and vocational assessment: A brief report Journal of Career Assessment. 6: 107-113
Maples MR. (1998) Mental ghosts and the process of grief Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss. 3: 217-231
Westefeld JS, Scheel K, Maples MR. (1998) Psychometric analyses of the college student reasons for living inventory using a clinical population Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 31: 86-94
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