Elijah Clark, Ph.D.

2008 Psychology Howard University 
Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Elijah Clark"
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Alfonso L. Campbell grad student 2008 Howard University
 (Blood pressure levels and neurocognitive performance in a community-based sample of African Americans.)
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Sims RC, Madhere S, Gordon S, et al. (2008) Relationships among blood pressure, triglycerides and verbal learning in African Americans. Journal of the National Medical Association. 100: 1193-8
Sims R, Gordon S, Garcia W, et al. (2008) Perceived stress and eating behaviors in a community-based sample of African Americans. Eating Behaviors. 9: 137-42
Madhere S, Callender C, Campbell A, et al. (2008) RELATIONSHIPS OF SOCIO-CULTURAL AND DIETARY FACTORS TO OBESITY AND RENAL HEALTH Transplantation. 86: 370-371
Campbell A, Callender C, Lofton M, et al. (2008) BE BLESSED: A BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL FOR RUDUCING HEALTH DISPARITIES Transplantation. 86: 706
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