Ginger A. Gunn, Ph.D.

2011 Clinical Psychology Seattle Pacific University 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Ginger Gunn"
Mean distance: 9715.09


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John W. Thoburn grad student 2011 Seattle Pacific University
 (Attachment, Shame, and Childhood Sexual Abuse and the Acquisition of Sexual Addiction.)
BETA: Related publications


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Ahmad ZS, Thoburn J, Perry KL, et al. (2015) Prevalence Rates of Online Sexual Addiction Among Christian Clergy Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. 22: 344-356
Edwards-Stewart A, Ahmad ZS, Thoburn JW, et al. (2012) Introducing embedded indigenous psychological support teams: a suggested addition to psychological first aid in an international context. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health. 14: 289-96
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