Wolfgang Einhauser

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Visual System, Psychophysics, Attention, Comuptational Neuroscience, Machine Vision
"Wolfgang Einhauser"
Mean distance: 12.69 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Rodney J. Douglas grad student 2001-2005 ETH/Uni Zurich
Peter König grad student 2001-2005 ETH/Uni Zurich
Kevan A. Martin grad student 2001-2005 ETH/Uni Zurich
Christof Koch post-doc 2005-2007 Caltech


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Marnix Naber grad student Caltech
Josef Stoll grad student Caltech
Bernard Marius 't Hart grad student 2008-2011 Universität Marburg
Frank Schumann grad student 2006-2012


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Scott Makeig collaborator 2005- Caltech
Ueli Rutishauser collaborator 2005- Caltech
Kerstin Preuschoff collaborator 2009- Universität Zürich
BETA: Related publications


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Maith O, Baladron J, Einhäuser W, et al. (2023) Exploration behavior after reversals is predicted by STN-GPe synaptic plasticity in a basal ganglia model. Iscience. 26: 106599
Strauch C, Wang CA, Einhäuser W, et al. (2022) Pupillometry as an integrated readout of distinct attentional networks. Trends in Neurosciences
Kopiske K, Koska D, Baumann T, et al. (2021) Icy road ahead-rapid adjustments of gaze-gait interactions during perturbed naturalistic walking. Journal of Vision. 21: 11
Einhäuser W, Sandrock A, Schütz AC. (2021) Perceptual Difficulty Persistently Increases Dominance in Binocular Rivalry-Even Without a Task. Perception. 50: 343-366
Wegner TGG, Grenzebach J, Bendixen A, et al. (2021) Parameter dependence in visual pattern-component rivalry at onset and during prolonged viewing. Vision Research. 182: 69-88
Einhäuser W, Atzert C, Nuthmann A. (2020) Fixation durations in natural scene viewing are guided by peripheral scene content. Journal of Vision. 20: 15
Wetzel N, Einhäuser W, Widmann A. (2020) Picture-evoked changes in pupil size predict learning success in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 192: 104787
Loued-Khenissi L, Pfeuffer A, Einhäuser W, et al. (2020) Anterior insula reflects surprise in value-based decision-making and perception. Neuroimage. 116549
Einhäuser W, da Silva LFO, Bendixen A. (2019) Intraindividual Consistency Between Auditory and Visual Multistability. Perception. 301006619896282
Wegner TG, Grenzebach J, Bendixen A, et al. (2019) Parameter dependence of first and subsequent percepts in visual tri-stability Journal of Vision. 19: 62c
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