Charles G. Bentley, Ph.D.

2010 Psychology Utah State University, Logan, UT, United States 
Developmental Psychology, General Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Charles Bentley"
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Renee V. Galliher grad student 2010 Utah State University
 (Does empathic accuracy mediate the relationships between individual psychological characteristics and adolescent romantic relationship functioning?)
BETA: Related publications


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Galliher RV, Bentley CG. (2010) Links between rejection sensitivity and adolescent romantic relationship functioning: The mediating role of problem-solving behaviors Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 19: 603-623
Bentley CG, Galliher RV, Ferguson TJ. (2007) Associations among Aspects of Interpersonal Power and Relationship Functioning in Adolescent Romantic Couples. Sex Roles. 57: 483-495
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