Lisa M. Finkelstein

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration
"Lisa Finkelstein"
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Varghese L, Finkelstein L. (2020) An investigation of self-efficacy crossover between mentors and protégés within mentoring dyads. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Varghese LS, Rogers AP, Finkelstein L, et al. (2020) Examining mentors as buffers of burnout for employees high in neuroticism Human Resource Development Quarterly. 31: 281-300
Finkelstein LM, Voyles EC, Thomas CL, et al. (2019) A Daily Diary Study of Responses to Age Meta-stereotypes Work, Aging and Retirement. 6: 28-45
Varghese L, Lindeman MIH, Finkelstein L. (2018) Dodging the double bind: the role of warmth and competence on the relationship between interview communication styles and perceptions of women’s hirability European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 27: 418-429
Kraiger K, Finkelstein LM, Varghese LS. (2018) Enacting Effective Mentoring Behaviors: Development and Initial Investigation of the Cuboid of Mentoring Journal of Business and Psychology. 34: 403-424
Finkelstein LM, Costanza DP, Goodwin GF. (2017) Do your high potentials have potential? The impact of individual differences and designation on leader success Personnel Psychology. 71: 3-22
Fisher GG, Truxillo DM, Finkelstein LM, et al. (2017) Age discrimination: Potential for adverse impact and differential prediction related to age Human Resource Management Review. 27: 316-327
Bailey SF, Voyles EC, Finkelstein L, et al. (2016) Who is your ideal mentor? An exploratory study of mentor prototypes Career Development International. 21: 160-175
Scheuer ML, Burton JP, Barber LK, et al. (2016) Linking Abusive Supervision to Employee Engagement and Exhaustion Organization Management Journal. 13: 138-147
Lynch JE, Finkelstein LM. (2015) An experimental investigation into judgment and behavioral implications of disability-based stereotypes in simulated work decisions: Evidence of shifting standards Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 45: 613-628
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