Eugenia Papalexi, Ph.D

"Eugenia Papalexi"
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Boukouvalas G, Antoniou K, Papalexi E, et al. (2008) Post weaning high fat feeding affects rats' behavior and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis at the onset of puberty in a sexually dimorphic manner. Neuroscience. 153: 373-82
Antoniou K, Papathanasiou G, Papalexi E, et al. (2008) Individual responses to novelty are associated with differences in behavioral and neurochemical profiles. Behavioural Brain Research. 187: 462-72
Soulis G, Papalexi E, Kittas C, et al. (2007) Early impact of a fat-enriched diet on behavioral responses of male and female rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 121: 483-90
Koros C, Papalexi E, Anastasopoulos D, et al. (2007) Effects of AraC treatment on motor coordination and cerebellar cytoarchitecture in the adult rat. A possible protective role of NAC. Neurotoxicology. 28: 83-92
Papalexi E, Antoniou K, Kitraki E. (2005) Estrogens influence behavioral responses in a kainic acid model of neurotoxicity. Hormones and Behavior. 48: 291-302
Drossopoulou G, Antoniou K, Kitraki E, et al. (2004) Sex differences in behavioral, neurochemical and neuroendocrine effects induced by the forced swim test in rats. Neuroscience. 126: 849-57
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