Craig N. Shealy
Affiliations: | Graduate Psychology-Combined Integrated Clinical and School Psychology | James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, United States |
Personality Psychology, Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Craig Shealy"Mean distance: 10686.6
Sign in to add traineeD. J. Hayes | grad student | 2001 | James Madison University |
Judith B. Reifsteck | grad student | 2001 | James Madison University |
Anita K. Huskins | grad student | 2003 | James Madison University |
Harrison Braxton | grad student | 2004 | James Madison University |
Gerald H. Burgess | grad student | 2004 | James Madison University |
Bryte E. Marziano | grad student | 2004 | James Madison University |
Caitlin Femec | grad student | 2010 | James Madison University |
Mykal Stanley | grad student | 2010 | James Madison University |
Molly R. Coates | grad student | 2012 | James Madison University |
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Kaslow NJ, Rubin NJ, Forrest L, et al. (2007) Recognizing, Assessing, and Intervening With Problems of Professional Competence Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 38: 479-492 |
Shealy CN, Cobb HC, Crowley SL, et al. (2004) Beyond consensus: a summary of the special series and future of the Combined-Integrated model. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 1109-25 |
Shealy CN. (2004) A model and method for "making" a Combined-Integrated psychologist: equilintegration (EI) theory and the beliefs, events, and values inventory (BEVI). Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 1065-90 |
Burgess GH, Sternberger LG, Sanchez-Sosa JJ, et al. (2004) Development of a global curriculum for professional psychology: implications of the Combined-Integrated model of doctoral training. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 1027-49 |
Schulte TJ, Isley E, Link N, et al. (2004) General practice, primary care, and health service psychology: concepts, competencies, and the Combined-Integrated model. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 1011-25 |
Shealy CN, Cobb HC, Crowley SL, et al. (2004) Back to our future? The Consensus Conference and Combined-Integrated model of doctoral training in professional psychology. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 893-909 |
Cobb HC, Reeve RE, Shealy CN, et al. (2004) Overlap among clinical, counseling, and school psychology: implications for the profession and Combined-Integrated training. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 939-55 |
Shealy CN. (2004) The Consensus Conference and Combined-Integrated model of doctoral training in professional psychology--overview of part 1: nature and scope of the Combined-Integrated model. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 889-92 |
Arredondo P, Shealy C, Neale M, et al. (2004) Consultation and interprofessional collaboration: modeling for the future. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 787-800 |
Shealy CN. (2004) The Consensus Conference and Combined-Integrated model of doctoral training in professional psychology - Overview of Part 2: Broader implications and potential applications of the Combined-Integrated model Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 991-994 |