Ronnie Janoff-Bulman

Psychology University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Social Psychology, Peace Studies
"Ronnie Janoff-Bulman"
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Philip Brickman grad student 1977 (SocTree)
Camille B. Wortman grad student 1977


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John E. Roberts research assistant 1986 (PsychTree)
Andrea R. Berger grad student 2000 U Mass Amherst
Cynthia S. Frantz grad student 2000 U Mass Amherst
Sana Sheikh grad student 2010 U Mass Amherst
Amelie Werther grad student 2010 U Mass Amherst
Ramila Usoof grad student 2011 U Mass Amherst
Mindi S. Rock grad student 2013 U Mass Amherst
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Janoff-Bulman R, Carnes NC. (2016) Social Justice and Social Order: Binding Moralities across the Political Spectrum. Plos One. 11: e0152479
Carnes NC, Lickel B, Janoff-Bulman R. (2015) Shared perceptions: morality is embedded in social contexts. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 41: 351-62
Janoff-Bulman R, Carnes NC. (2014) Motivation and morality: Insights into political ideology. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 37: 316-7
Janoff-Bulman R, Carnes NC, Sheikh S. (2014) Parenting and Politics: Exploring Early Moral Bases of Political Orientation Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 2: 43-60
Janoff-Bulman R, Carnes NC. (2013) Moral context matters: a reply to Graham. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 17: 242-7
Sheikh S, Janoff-Bulman R. (2013) Paradoxical consequences of prohibitions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 105: 301-15
Janoff-Bulman R, Carnes NC. (2013) Surveying the moral landscape: moral motives and group-based moralities. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 17: 219-36
Parker MT, Janoff-Bulman R. (2013) Lessons from Morality-Based Social Identity: The Power of Outgroup “Hate,” Not Just Ingroup “Love” Social Justice Research. 26: 81-96
Carnes N, Janoff-Bulman R. (2012) Harm, Help, and the Nature of (Im)Moral (In)Action Psychological Inquiry. 23: 137-142
Janoff-Bulman R, Sheikh S. (2011) Unintended consequences of moral "over-regulation", Emotion Review. 3: 325-327
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