Eric Klinger
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN |
Personality Psychology, Social Psychology, RecreationGoogle:
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Cox WM, Klinger E, Fadardi JS. (2017) Free will in addictive behaviors: A matter of definition. Addictive Behaviors Reports. 5: 94-103 |
Marchetti I, Koster EHW, Klinger E, et al. (2016) Spontaneous Thought and Vulnerability to Mood Disorders: The Dark Side of the Wandering Mind. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 4: 835-857 |
Cox WM, Klinger E, Fadardi JS. (2015) The motivational basis of cognitive determinants of addictive behaviors. Addictive Behaviors. 44: 16-22 |
Cox WM, Fadardi JS, Intriligator JM, et al. (2014) Attentional bias modification for addictive behaviors: clinical implications. Cns Spectrums. 19: 215-24 |
Klinger E. (2013) Goal Commitments and the content of thoughts and dreams: basic principles Frontiers in Psychology. 4: 415-415 |
Sellen JL, McMurran M, Cox WM, et al. (2006) The personal concerns inventory (offender adaptation) Measuring and enhancing motivation to change International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 50: 294-305 |
Klinger E. (2006) Conceptual Framework and Issues for a Goals‐Oriented Treatment Perspective: A Commentary on “Where Do We Go From Here? The Goal Perspective in Psychotherapy” Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice. 13: 371-375 |
Cox WM, Klinger E, Bumby NH. (2005) Leading the Horse to Water and Convincing Him to Drink: Enhancing Motivation for Change Psyccritiques. 50 |
Cox WM, Klinger E. (2002) Motivational structure: Relationships with substance use and processes of change Addictive Behaviors. 27: 925-940 |
Cox WM, Schippers GM, Klinger E, et al. (2002) Motivational structure and alcohol use of university students across four nations. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 63: 280-5 |