Renee A. Holloway, Ph.D.

2006 University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United States 
Experimental Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Hispanic American Studies
"Renee Holloway"
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William Ickes grad student 2006 UT Arlington
 (Evidence for a simpatico self -schema in studies comparing Hispanics and Whites.)
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Holloway RA, Waldrip AM, Ickes W. (2009) Evidence that a simpático self-schema accounts for differences in the self-concepts and social behavior of Latinos versus Whites (and Blacks). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 96: 1012-28
Ickes W, Holloway R, Stinson LL, et al. (2006) Self-monitoring in social interaction: the centrality of self-affect. Journal of Personality. 74: 659-84
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