Elizabeth B. Rush, Ph.D.

2013 Psychology and Social Behavior - Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Developmental Psychology, General Psychology, Law
"Elizabeth Rush"
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Jodi A. Quas grad student 2013 UC Irvine
 (Children's True and False Disclosures of Transgressions: Balancing Costs and Benefits of a Novel Interviewing Technique.)
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Rush EB, Stolzenberg SN, Quas JA, et al. (2017) The Effects of the Putative Confession and Parent Suggestion on Children's Disclosure of a Minor Transgression. Legal and Criminological Psychology. 22: 60-73
Klemfuss JZ, Rush EB, Quas JA. (2016) Parental reminiscing style and children’s suggestibility about an alleged transgression Cognitive Development. 40: 33-45
Quas JA, Rush EB, Yim IS, et al. (2015) Stress and emotional valence effects on children's versus adolescents' true and false memory. Memory (Hove, England). 1-12
Yim IS, Quas JA, Rush EB, et al. (2015) Experimental manipulation of the Trier Social Stress Test-Modified (TSST-M) to vary arousal across development. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 57: 61-71
Rush EB, Stolzenberg SN, Quas JA, et al. (2015) The effects of the putative confession and parent suggestion on children's disclosure of a minor transgression Legal and Criminological Psychology
Rush EB, Lyon TD, Ahern EC, et al. (2014) Disclosure Suspicion Bias and Abuse Disclosure: Comparisons Between Sexual and Physical Abuse. Child Maltreatment. 19: 113-118
Rush EB, Quas JA, Yim IS, et al. (2014) Stress, interviewer support, and children's eyewitness identification accuracy. Child Development. 85: 1292-305
Quas JA, Rush EB, Yim IS, et al. (2014) Effects of stress on memory in children and adolescents: testing causal connections. Memory (Hove, England). 22: 616-32
Klemfuss JZ, Milojevich HM, Yim IS, et al. (2013) Stress at encoding, context at retrieval, and children's narrative content. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 116: 693-706
Quas JA, Yim IS, Rush E, et al. (2012) Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis and sympathetic activation: joint predictors of memory in children, adolescents, and adults. Biological Psychology. 89: 335-41
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