Jeannette M. Alvarez, Ph.D.

2001 New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology
"Jeannette Alvarez"
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Diane N. Ruble grad student 2001 NYU
 (An analysis of children's person impressions: Implications for the development of person perception.)
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Pfeifer JH, Rubble DN, Bachman MA, et al. (2007) Social identities and intergroup bias in immigrant and nonimmigrant children. Developmental Psychology. 43: 496-507
Alvarez JM, Ruble DN, Bolger N. (2001) Trait understanding or evaluative reasoning? An analysis of children's behavioral predictions Child Development. 72: 1409-1425
Cameron JA, Alvarez JM, Ruble DN, et al. (2001) Children's Lay Theories About Ingroups and Outgroups: Reconceptualizing Research on Prejudice Personality and Social Psychology Review. 5: 118-128
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