Yingbin Liang, Ph.D.

2005 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Yingbin Liang"


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Venugopal V. Veeravalli grad student 2005 UIUC
 (Multiuser communications with relaying and user cooperation.)


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Ruchen Duan grad student Syracuse
Yunhao Sun grad student Syracuse
Weiguang Wang grad student Syracuse
Huishuai Zhang grad student Syracuse
Yi Zhou grad student Syracuse
Shaofeng Zou grad student Syracuse (Neurotree)
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Dai B, Li C, Liang Y, et al. (2020) Enhancing physical layer security via channel feedback: a survey Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications and Networking. 2020
Dai B, Li C, Liang Y, et al. (2020) Impact of Action-Dependent State and Channel Feedback on Gaussian Wiretap Channels Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 66: 3435-3455
Dikshtein M, Duan R, Liang Y, et al. (2019) MIMO Gaussian State-Dependent Channels with a State-Cognitive Helper. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 21
Wang T, Li Q, Bucci DJ, et al. (2019) K-Medoids Clustering of Data Sequences With Composite Distributions Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 67: 2093-2106
Li C, Liang Y, Poor HV, et al. (2019) Secrecy Capacity of Colored Gaussian Noise Channels With Feedback Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 65: 5771-5782
Sun Y, Duan R, Liang Y, et al. (2019) State-Dependent Interference Channel With Correlated States Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 65: 4518-4531
Li Y, Chi Y, Zhang H, et al. (2019) Non-convex low-rank matrix recovery with arbitrary outliers via median-truncated gradient descent Information and Inference: a Journal of the Ima. 9: 289-325
Wang Z, Zhou Y, Liang Y, et al. (2019) A note on inexact gradient and Hessian conditions for cubic regularized Newton’s method Operations Research Letters. 47: 146-149
Zhou Y, Liang Y, Shen L. (2019) A simple convergence analysis of Bregman proximal gradient algorithm Computational Optimization and Applications. 73: 903-912
Zhang H, Chi Y, Liang Y. (2018) Median-Truncated Nonconvex Approach for Phase Retrieval With Outliers Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 64: 7287-7310
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