Amy E. Lyndon, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States |
Social Psychology, Women's StudiesGoogle:
"Amy Lyndon"Mean distance: 17811
Sign in to add mentorJacquelyn White | grad student | 2003 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro | |
(Conceptions of stalking: Behavior in context.) |
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Lyndon AE, Sinclair HC, MacArthur J, et al. (2012) An Introduction to Issues of Gender in Stalking Research Sex Roles. 66: 299-310 |
Sheridan L, Lyndon AE. (2012) The Influence of Prior Relationship, Gender, and Fear on the Consequences of Stalking Victimization Sex Roles. 66: 340-350 |
Sinclair HC, Ladny RT, Lyndon AE. (2011) Adding insult to injury: effects of interpersonal rejection types, rejection sensitivity, and self-regulation on obsessive relational intrusion. Aggressive Behavior. 37: 503-20 |
Lyndon A, Bonds-Raacke J, Cratty AD. (2011) College students' Facebook stalking of ex-partners Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 14: 711-716 |
Lyndon AE, Duffy DM, Smith PH, et al. (2011) The role of high school coaches in helping prevent adolescent sexual aggression: Part of the solution or part of the problem? Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 35: 377-399 |
Lyndon AE, White JW, Kadlec KM. (2007) Manipulation and force as sexual coercion tactics: conceptual and empirical differences. Aggressive Behavior. 33: 291-303 |
White J, Kowalski RM, Lyndon A, et al. (2000) An integrative contextual developmental model of male stalking Violence and Victims. 15: 373-388 |