Erin Winterrowd, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Psychology | Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO |
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial StudiesGoogle:
"Erin Winterrowd"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorSilvia S. Canetto | grad student | 2010 | Colorado State | |
(Friendship problems and suicidality in Mexican-American and European-American adolescents: A longitudinal analysis.) |
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Canetto SS, Trott CD, Winterrowd EM, et al. (2017) Challenges to the Choice Discourse: Women’s Views of Their Family and Academic-Science Career Options and Constraints Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. 29: 4-27 |
Winterrowd E, Canetto SS, Benoit K. (2015) Permissive beliefs and attitudes about older adult suicide: a suicide enabling script? Aging & Mental Health. 1-9 |
Winterrowd E, Canetto SS. (2013) The long-lasting impact of adolescents' deviant friends on suicidality: a 3-year follow-up perspective. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 48: 245-55 |
Winterrowd E, Canetto SS, Chavez EL. (2011) Friendship factors and suicidality: common and unique patterns in Mexican American and European American youth. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 41: 50-65 |
Winterrowd E, Canetto SS, Chavez EL. (2010) Friendships and suicidality among Mexican American adolescent girls and boys. Death Studies. 34: 641-60 |