Derek R. Hatfield, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Derek Hatfield"Mean distance: 16440.9
Sign in to add mentorBenjamin M. Ogles | grad student | 2006 | Ohio University | |
(The influence of outcome measures in assessing client change and treatment decisions.) |
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Goldmann KM, Hatfield DR, Terepka A. (2015) The potential influence of a companion-Animal’s presence on aspects of the therapeutic alliance Anthrozoos. 28: 661-672 |
Hatfield D, McCullough L, Frantz SH, et al. (2010) Do we know when our clients get worse? an investigation of therapists' ability to detect negative client change. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 17: 25-32 |
Ogles BM, Carlson B, Hatfield D, et al. (2008) Models of case mix adjustment for Ohio Mental Health Consumer Outcomes among children and adolescents. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 35: 295-304 |
Hatfield DR, Ogles BM. (2007) Why some clinicians use outcome measures and others do not. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 34: 283-91 |
Hatfield DR, Ogles BM. (2006) The influence of outcome measures in assessing client change and treatment decisions. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 62: 325-37 |
Ogles BM, Carlston D, Hatfield D, et al. (2006) The role of fidelity and feedback in the wraparound approach Journal of Child and Family Studies. 15: 115-129 |
Hatfield DR, Ogles BM. (2004) The use of outcome measures by psychologists in clinical practice Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 35: 485-491 |