Christina M. Gremel

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, North Bethesda, MD, United States 
"Christina Gremel"
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Baltz ET, Renteria R, Gremel CM. (2023) Chronic alcohol exposure differentially alters calcium activity of striatal cell populations during actions. Addiction Neuroscience. 8
Schreiner DC, Wright A, Baltz ET, et al. (2023) Chronic alcohol exposure alters action control via hyperactive premotor corticostriatal activity. Cell Reports. 42: 112675
Cazares C, Schreiner DC, Valencia ML, et al. (2022) Orbitofrontal cortex populations are differentially recruited to support actions. Current Biology : Cb
Shields CN, Gremel CM. (2022) Effects of central amygdala chemogenetic manipulation and prior chronic alcohol exposure on Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research
Schreiner DC, Cazares C, Renteria R, et al. (2022) Information normally considered task-irrelevant drives decision-making and affects premotor circuit recruitment. Nature Communications. 13: 2134
Shields CN, Baltz ET, Valencia ML, et al. (2022) Effects of Chronic Alcohol Exposure on Motivation-Based Value Updating. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)
Shields CN, Gremel CM. (2021) Prior Chronic Alcohol Exposure Enhances Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)
Bonm AV, Elezgarai I, Gremel CM, et al. (2021) Control of exploration, motor coordination and amphetamine sensitization by cannabinoid CB receptors expressed in medium spiny neurons. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Yalcinbas EA, Cazares C, Gremel CM. (2021) Call for a more balanced approach to understanding orbital frontal cortex function. Behavioral Neuroscience. 135: 255-266
Schreiner DC, Yalcinbas EA, Gremel CM. (2021) A Push For Examining Subjective Experience in Value-Based Decision-Making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 41: 45-49
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