Katherine Schaumberg, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Psychology-Clinical | State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Public HealthGoogle:
"Katherine Schaumberg"Mean distance: 21373.2
Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorDrew A. Anderson | grad student | 2014 | SUNY Albany | |
(Participation in Immersion Weight Loss Treatment May Benefit, Not Harm, Young Adult Staff Members.) |
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Wons O, Lampe E, Patarinski AG, et al. (2022) Perceived influence of wearable fitness trackers on eating disorder symptoms in a clinical transdiagnostic binge eating and restrictive eating sample. Eating and Weight Disorders : Ewd |
Burke NL, Schaefer LM, Karvay YG, et al. (2021) Does the tripartite influence model of body image and eating pathology function similarly across racial/ethnic groups of White, Black, Latina, and Asian women? Eating Behaviors. 42: 101519 |
Reilly EE, Bohrer B, Sullivan D, et al. (2021) Registered report: Initial development and validation of the eating disorders safety behavior scale. The International Journal of Eating Disorders |
Scharmer C, Gorrell S, Schaumberg K, et al. (2020) Compulsive exercise or exercise dependence? Clarifying conceptualizations of exercise in the context of eating disorder pathology. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. 46 |
Richson BN, Forbush KT, Schaumberg K, et al. (2020) Are the Criterion B binge-eating symptoms interchangeable in understanding binge-eating severity? An item response theory analysis. The International Journal of Eating Disorders |
Weaver SS, Kroska EB, Ross MC, et al. (2020) Sacrificing reward to avoid threat: Characterizing PTSD in the context of a trauma-related approach-avoidance conflict task. Journal of Abnormal Psychology |
Schaumberg K, Wonderlich S, Crosby R, et al. (2020) Impulsivity and anxiety-related dimensions in adults with bulimic-spectrum disorders differentially relate to eating disordered behaviors. Eating Behaviors. 37: 101382 |
Schaumberg K, Brosof LC, Lloyd EC, et al. (2020) Prospective associations between childhood neuropsychological profiles and adolescent eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review : the Journal of the Eating Disorders Association |
Smith KE, Schaumberg K, Reilly EE, et al. (2020) The ecological validity of trait-level rumination measures among women with binge eating symptoms. Eating and Weight Disorders : Ewd |
Scharmer C, Gorrell S, Schaumberg K, et al. (2020) Compulsive exercise or exercise dependence? Clarifying conceptualizations of exercise in the context of eating disorder pathology Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 46: 101586 |