Deborah Nazarian, Ph.D.

2009 Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Deborah Nazarian"
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Joshua M. Smyth grad student 2009 Syracuse
 (Instructional manipulations in written emotional disclosure interventions: An experimental test of content effects on cortisol, mood, and linguistic dimensions.)
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Nazarian D, Smyth JM. (2013) An experimental test of instructional manipulations in expressive writing interventions: Examining processes of change Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 32: 71-96
Nazarian D, Smyth JM. (2010) Context moderates the effects of an expressive writing intervention: A randomized two-study replication and extension Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 29: 903-929
Nazarian D, Smyth J. (2008) Expressive Writing Evidence-Based Adjunctive Treatments. 221-241
Smyth JM, Nazarian D, Arigo D. (2008) Expressive writing in the clinical context Emotion Regulation: Conceptual and Clinical Issues. 215-233
Smyth J, Nazarian D, Oikawa M, et al. (2007) The Writing Cure: How Expressive Writing Promotes Health The Japanese Journal of Research On Emotions. 14: 140-154
Nazarian D, Smyth JM, Sliwinski MJ. (2006) A naturalistic study of ambulatory asthma severity and reported avoidant coping styles. Chronic Illness. 2: 51-8
Smyth J, Nazarian D. (2006) Development and preliminary results of a self-administered intervention for individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome: a multiple case control report. Explore (New York, N.Y.). 2: 426-31
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