Elizabeth Midlarsky

TC: Counseling Psychology Columbia University, New York, NY 
Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology
"Elizabeth Midlarsky"
Mean distance: 9715.09


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Lee Sechrest grad student 1968 (PsychTree)


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Glen Milstein grad student (PsychTree)
Francis X. Gregory grad student 2001 Columbia
Arie Hadas grad student 2001 Columbia
Melinda D. Gonzales grad student 2003 Columbia
Stephanie Fagin Jones grad student 2004 Columbia
Jephtha Tausig-Edwards grad student 2004 Columbia
Erel Shvil grad student 2011 Columbia
Joseph C. McGowan grad student 2012 Columbia
Dmitri A. Young grad student 2012 Columbia
Debaki Chakrabarti grad student 2013 Columbia
Steven Pirutinsky grad student 2014 Columbia
BETA: Related publications


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Midlarsky E, Marotta AK, Pirutinsky S, et al. (2017) Psychological predictors of eating pathology in older adult women. Journal of Women & Aging. 1-13
Morin RT, Midlarsky E. (2017) Predictors of WAIS-R vocabulary in late life: Differences by race. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 1-9
Midlarsky E, Pirutinsky S, Chakrabarti D, et al. (2017) Visualized prosocial behavior and emotion in late life The Journal of Positive Psychology. 13: 485-493
McGowan JC, Midlarsky E, Morin RT, et al. (2016) Religiousness and Psychological Distress in Jewish and Christian Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist. 39: 489-507
Morin RT, Midlarsky E. (2016) Social Support, Mastery, and Psychological Distress in Black and White Older Adults. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 82: 209-28
McGowan JC, Midlarsky E, Morin RT, et al. (2016) Religiousness and Psychological Distress in Jewish and Christian Older Adults Clinical Gerontologist. 1-19
Pirutinsky S, Midlarsky E, Kor A, et al. (2014) The impact of religious conflict within orthodox Jewish families in Israel Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 17: 665-679
Shvil E, Krauss H, Midlarsky E. (2013) The Experienced Self and Other Scale: A technique for assaying the experience of one's self in relation to the other. Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences. 4: 1-20
Kahana E, Bhatta T, Lovegreen LD, et al. (2013) Altruism, helping, and volunteering: pathways to well-being in late life. Journal of Aging and Health. 25: 159-87
Midlarsky E, Pirutinsky S, Cohen F. (2012) Religion, ethnicity, and attitudes toward psychotherapy. Journal of Religion and Health. 51: 498-506
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