Joseph Vandello

Psychology University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
General Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Joseph Vandello"
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Kosakowska-Berezecka N, Besta T, Jurek P, et al. (2024) Towards Gender Harmony Dataset: Gender Beliefs and Gender Stereotypes in 62 Countries. Scientific Data. 11: 392
Ondish P, Cohen D, Lucas KW, et al. (2019) The Resonance of Metaphor: Evidence for Latino Preferences for Metaphor and Analogy. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219833390
Kuchynka SL, Bosson JK, Vandello JA, et al. (2018) Zero-Sum Thinking and the Masculinity Contest: Perceived Intergroup Competition and Workplace Gender Bias Journal of Social Issues. 74: 529-550
Kosakowska-Berezecka N, Besta T, Adamska K, et al. (2016) If my masculinity is threatened i won't support gender equality? The role of agentic self-stereotyping in restoration of manhood and perception of gender relations Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 17: 274-284
Vandello J. (2016) Do We Need a Psychology of Women in the Islamic World? Sex Roles. 75: 623-629
Michniewicz KS, Vandello JA. (2015) People judge male sexism more leniently when women emasculate men Social Psychology. 46: 197-209
Andrew Caswell T, Bosson JK, Vandello JA, et al. (2014) Testosterone and men's stress responses to gender threats Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 15: 4-11
Hettinger VE, Vandello JA. (2014) Balance Without Equality: Just World Beliefs, the Gay Affluence Myth, and Support for Gay Rights Social Justice Research. 27: 444-463
Michniewicz KS, Vandello JA, Bosson JK. (2014) Men's (Mis)Perceptions of the Gender Threatening Consequences of Unemployment Sex Roles. 70: 88-97
Vandello JA, Hettinger VE, Bosson JK, et al. (2013) When equal isn't really equal: The masculine dilemma of seeking work flexibility Journal of Social Issues. 69: 303-321
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