Paul Murray Bellan
Affiliations: | Applied Physics | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics PhysicsWebsite:
"Paul Murray Bellan"Bio:
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMiklos Porkolab | grad student | 1976 | Princeton | |
(Theoretical and experimental studies of the propagation of electrostatic lower hybrid waves.) |
Sign in to add traineeMayya Tokman | grad student | Caltech | |
Young Dae Yoon | grad student | 2014- | (Neurotree) |
Wenjin Meng | grad student | 1988 | Caltech (E-Tree) |
Lawrence H. Sverdrup | grad student | 2002 | Caltech |
Carlos A. Romero Talamas | grad student | 2005 | Caltech |
Steven E. Pracko | grad student | 2007 | Caltech |
Gunsu S. Yun | grad student | 2008 | Caltech |
Auna L. Moser | grad student | 2012 | Caltech |
Eve Stenson | grad student | 2012 | Caltech |
Pakorn Wongwaitayakornkul | grad student | 2020 | Caltech |
André Nicolov | grad student | 2019-2025 | Caltech |
Setthivoine You | post-doc | Caltech (E-Tree) |
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Marshall RS, Bellan PM. (2020) Laser-induced fluorescence measurement of very slow neutral flows in a dusty plasma experiment. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 91: 063504 |
Wongwaitayakornkul P, Li H, Bellan PM. (2020) 3D Numerical Simulation of Kink-driven Rayleigh–Taylor Instability Leading to Fast Magnetic Reconnection The Astrophysical Journal. 895: L7 |
Zhang Y, Wongwaitayakornkul P, Bellan PM. (2020) Magnetic Rayleigh–Taylor Instability in an Experiment Simulating a Solar Loop The Astrophysical Journal. 889: L32 |
Bellan PM. (2020) Analytic Model for the Time-dependent Electromagnetic Field of an Astrophysical Jet The Astrophysical Journal. 888: 69 |
Seo B, Wongwaitayakornkul P, Haw MA, et al. (2020) Determination of a macro- to micro-scale progression leading to a magnetized plasma disruption Physics of Plasmas. 27: 022109 |
Bellan PM. (2020) Caltech Lab Experiments and the Insights They Provide Into Solar Corona Phenomena Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 125 |
Yoon YD, Bellan PM. (2020) Nondiffusive Pitch‐Angle Scattering of a Distribution of Energetic Particles by Coherent Whistler Waves Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 125 |
Yoon YD, Bellan PM. (2019) Kinetic Verification of the Stochastic Ion Heating Mechanism in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection The Astrophysical Journal. 887: L29 |
Wongwaitayakornkul P, Haw MA, Li H, et al. (2019) Magnetically Induced Current Piston for Generating Extreme-ultraviolet Fronts in the Solar Corona The Astrophysical Journal. 874: 137 |
Yoon YD, Bellan PM. (2019) The electron canonical battery effect in magnetic reconnection: Completion of the electron canonical vorticity framework Physics of Plasmas. 26: 100702 |