Bartosz Balana, PhD
Affiliations: | Peptide Biology Laboratory | The Salk Institute |
Ion channels, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, protein interactionsGoogle:
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Balana B, Bahima L, Bodhinathan K, et al. (2013) Ras-association domain of sorting Nexin 27 is critical for regulating expression of GIRK potassium channels. Plos One. 8: e59800 |
Klammt C, Maslennikov I, Bayrhuber M, et al. (2012) Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Nature Methods. 9: 834-9 |
Balana B, Bahima L, Bodhinathan K, et al. (2012) Ras-Associated (RA) Domain of Sorting Nexin 27 (SNX27) is Critical for Regulating GIRK Channels Biophysical Journal. 102: 537a |
Hurtado de Mendoza T, Balana B, Slesinger PA, et al. (2011) Organotypic cerebellar cultures: apoptotic challenges and detection. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove |
Balana B, Maslennikov I, Kwiatkowski W, et al. (2011) Mechanism underlying selective regulation of G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium channels by the psychostimulant-sensitive sorting nexin 27. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 5831-6 |
Balana B, Taylor N, Slesinger PA. (2010) Mutagenesis and functional analysis of ion channels heterologously expressed in mammalian cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove |
Laviv T, Riven I, Dolev I, et al. (2010) Basal GABA regulates GABA(B)R conformation and release probability at single hippocampal synapses. Neuron. 67: 253-67 |
Balana B, Maslennikov I, Thomas SM, et al. (2009) Unique Role For The -5′ Position In The Carboxyl Terminus Of GIRK3 Channel In Determining Binding Specificity To The PDZ Domain Of Sorting Nexin 27 Biophysical Journal. 96: 464a-465a |
Balana B, Nicoletti C, Zahanich I, et al. (2006) 5-Azacytidine induces changes in electrophysiological properties of human mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Research. 16: 949-60 |