Branda L. Nowell, Ph.D.

2006 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Social Psychology
"Branda Nowell"
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Pennie G. Foster-Fishman grad student 2006 Michigan State
 (The role of social capital in interorganizational alliances.)
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Prati G, Procentese F, Albanesi C, et al. (2020) Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the sense of community responsibility scale. Journal of Community Psychology. 48: 1770-1790
Boyd NM, Nowell B. (2020) Sense of community, sense of community responsibility, organizational commitment and identification, and public service motivation: a simultaneous test of affective states on employee well-being and engagement in a public service work context Public Management Review. 22: 1024-1050
Steelman T, Nowell B. (2019) Evidence of effectiveness in the Cohesive Strategy: measuring and improving wildfire response International Journal of Wildland Fire. 28: 267-274
Faas A, Velez AK, Nowell BL, et al. (2019) Methodological considerations in pre- and post-emergency network identification and data collection for disaster risk reduction: Lessons from wildfire response networks in the American Northwest International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 40: 101260
Nowell B, Steelman T, Velez AK, et al. (2018) The Structure of Effective Governance of Disaster Response Networks: Insights From the Field: The American Review of Public Administration. 48: 699-715
Boyd N, Nowell B, Yang Z, et al. (2018) Sense of Community, Sense of Community Responsibility, and Public Service Motivation as Predictors of Employee Well-Being and Engagement in Public Service Organizations: The American Review of Public Administration. 48: 428-443
Nowell B, Bodkin CP, Bayoumi D. (2017) Redundancy as a strategy in disaster response systems: A pathway to resilience or a recipe for disaster? Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 25: 123-135
Boyd NM, Nowell B. (2017) Testing A Theory Of Sense Of Community And Community Responsibility In Organizations: An Empirical Assessment Of Predictive Capacity On Employee Well‐Being And Organizational Citizenship Journal of Community Psychology. 45: 210-229
Abrams J, Davis EJ, Moseley C, et al. (2017) Building Practical Authority for Community Forestry in and through Networks: The role of community-based organisations in the U.S. West Environmental Policy and Governance. 27: 285-297
Faas AJ, Velez AK, FitzGerald C, et al. (2016) Patterns of preference and practice: bridging actors in wildfire response networks in the American Northwest. Disasters
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