Melanie K. Bean, Ph.D.

2007 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Elementary Education
"Melanie Bean"
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Suzanne E. Mazzeo grad student 2007 VCU
 (Physical activity in elementary school girls: Implementation and theory -based evaluation of Girls on the Run.)


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Neha J Goel collaborator VCU (PsychTree)
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Garr K, Mendoza A, Mazzeo SE, et al. (2024) School Nutrition Personnel Perceptions of School Salad Bars before and after COVID-19. Nutrients. 16
Weinstock M, Thornton LM, Raynor HA, et al. (2023) Parent involvement approach and changes in eating pathology within an adolescent obesity intervention. Eating Behaviors. 51: 101807
Bean MK, LaRose JG, Wickham EP, et al. (2023) The role of parents in behavioral treatment for adolescent obesity: design and rationale for the TEENS+ randomized clinical trial. Bmc Public Health. 23: 1484
Bean MK, Raynor HA, Thornton LM, et al. (2022) Design and rationale for evaluating the impact of salad bars on elementary school students' fruit, vegetable, and energy intake: a wait list control, cluster randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health. 22: 2304
Caccavale LJ, LaRose JG, Mazzeo SE, et al. (2022) Development and Implementation of a Pilot Transition Preparation Intervention for Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes in an Integrated Healthcare Setting. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Bean MK, LaRose JG, Raynor HA, et al. (2021) The role of parents in adolescent obesity treatment: Results of the TEENS+ randomized clinical pilot trial. Pediatric Obesity. e12858
Bean MK, Thornton LM, Mazzeo SE, et al. (2021) Salad bars and energy intake in Virginia elementary schools with free meals. Preventive Medicine Reports. 24: 101515
Raynor HA, Mazzeo SE, LaRose JG, et al. (2021) Effect of a High-Intensity Dietary Intervention on Changes in Dietary Intake and Eating Pathology during a Multicomponent Adolescent Obesity Intervention. Nutrients. 13
Adams EL, Raynor HA, Thornton LM, et al. (2021) Nutrient Intake During School Lunch in Title I Elementary Schools With Universal Free Meals. Health Education & Behavior : the Official Publication of the Society For Public Health Education. 10901981211011936
Bean MK, Sova A, Thornton LM, et al. (2020) Salad Bars and Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Title I Elementary Schools. Health Behavior and Policy Review. 7: 461-472
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