Lisa M. Korenman, Ph.D.

2004 Psychology American University, Washington, DC, United States 
 1993-1997 Psychology Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, United States 
 2007- Behavioral Science and Leadership United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, United States 
Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
"Lisa Korenman"
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Zehra Peynircioglu grad student 2004 American University
 (Individual differences in learning and remembering music: Auditory versus visual presentation.)
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Korenman LM, Peynircioglu ZF. (2007) Individual differences in learning and remembering music: Auditory versus visual presentation Journal of Research in Music Education. 55: 48-64
Korenman LM, Peynircioglu ZF. (2004) The role of familiarity in episodic memory and metamemory for music. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 30: 917-22
Foley MA, Foley HJ, Korenman LM. (2002) Adapting a memory framework (source monitoring) to the study of closure processes. Memory & Cognition. 30: 412-22
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