Cynthia J. Thomsen

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, General Psychology, Women's Studies
"Cynthia Thomsen"
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Belding JN, Fitzmaurice S, Englert RM, et al. (2020) Self-Reported Concussion Symptomology during Deployment: Differences as a Function of Injury Mechanism and Low-Level Blast Exposure. Journal of Neurotrauma
Walter KH, Otis NP, Ray TN, et al. (2019) Breaking the surface: Psychological outcomes among U.S. active duty service members following a surf therapy program Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 45: 101551
Thomsen CJ, McCone DR, Gallus JA. (2018) Conclusion of the special issue on sexual harassment and sexual assault in the US military: What have we learned, and where do we go from here? Military Psychology. 30: 282-293
McCone DR, Thomsen CJ, Laurence JH. (2018) Introduction to the special issue on sexual harassment and sexual assault in the US military Military Psychology. 30: 175-180
Stander VA, Thomsen CJ, Merrill LL, et al. (2018) Longitudinal prediction of sexual harassment and sexual assault by male enlisted Navy personnel Military Psychology. 30: 229-239
Booth-Kewley S, Dell'Acqua RG, Thomsen CJ. (2017) Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment in Navy Corpsmen. Military Medicine. 182
Stander VA, Thomsen CJ. (2017) Sexual Harassment and Assault in the U.S. Military: A Review of Policy and Research Trends. Military Medicine. 181: 20-7
Stander VA, Thomsen CJ. (2016) Sexual harassment and assault in the U.S. military: A review of policy and research trends Military Medicine. 181: 20-27
Schmied EA, Larson GE, Highfill-McRoy RM, et al. (2016) Reciprocal Relationships Between Stressors and Mental Health Problems in Military Veterans Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 35: 705-721
Schmied EA, Padilla GA, Thomsen CJ, et al. (2015) Sex differences in coping strategies in military survival school. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 29: 7-13
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