Arthur Yuwiler
Affiliations: | University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA |
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Oxenkrug GF, Requintina PJ, Yuwiler A. (2000) Ontogenetic effects of MAO-A inhibition on rat pineal n-acetylserotonin and melatonin during the first month of neonatal life. Human Psychopharmacology. 15: 589-593 |
Gottesfeld Z, Simpson S, Yuwiler A, et al. (1996) Effects of nerve growth factor on splenic norepinephrine and pineal N-acetyl-transferase in neonate rats exposed to alcohol in utero: neuroimmune correlates. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the International Society For Developmental Neuroscience. 14: 655-62 |
Aravagiri M, Marder SR, Yuwiler A, et al. (1995) Distribution of fluphenazine and its metabolites in brain regions and other tissues of the rat. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 13: 235-47 |
Yuwiler A, Brammer GL, Bennett BL. (1995) Interaction between adrenergic and peptide stimulation in the rat pineal: pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide. Journal of Neurochemistry. 64: 2273-80 |
Oxenkrug GF, Requintina PJ, Yuwiler A, et al. (1994) The acute effect of the bioprecursor of the selective brain MAO-A inhibitor, MDL 72392, on rat pineal melatonin biosynthesis. Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementum. 41: 377-9 |
Oxenkrug GF, Requintina PJ, Correa RM, et al. (1994) The effect of 6-months l-deprenyl administration on pineal MAO-A and MAO-B activity and on the content of melatonin and related indoles in aged female Fisher 344N rats. Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementum. 41: 249-52 |
Yuwiler A, Brammer GL, Bennett BL. (1993) Commonalities in vasoactive intestinal peptide and peptide N-terminal histidine C-terminal isoleucine stimulation of N-acetyltransferase activity in the rat pineal. Journal of Pineal Research. 15: 81-7 |
Hanna GL, Yuwiler A, Cantwell DP. (1993) Whole-Blood Serotonin during Clomipramine Treatment of Juvenile Obsessive—Compulsive Disorder Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 3: 223-229 |
Olds ME, Yuwiler A. (1992) Effects of acute and chronic fenfluramine on self-stimulation and its facilitation by amphetamine. European Journal of Pharmacology. 216: 363-72 |
Winters WD, Yuwiler A, Oxenkrug GF. (1991) The effects of benzodiazepines on basal and isoproterenol-stimulated N-acetyltransferase activity by the rat pineal gland, in vivo and in vitro. Journal of Pineal Research. 10: 151-8 |