Elena S. Yakunina, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | University of Akron, Akron, OH, United States |
Counseling Psychology, Multilingual EducationGoogle:
"Elena Yakunina"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorIngrid K. Weigold | grad student | 2012 | University of Akron | |
(Asian international students' intentions to seek counseling: Integrating cognitive and cultural predictors.) |
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Yakunina ES, Weigold IK, Weigold A. (2013) Personal Growth Initiative: Relations With Acculturative Stress and International Student Adjustment International Perspectives in Psychology. 2: 62-71 |
Yakunina ES, Weigold IK, Weigold A, et al. (2013) International students' personal and multicultural strengths: Reducing acculturative stress and promoting adjustment Journal of Counseling and Development. 91: 216-223 |
Yakunina ES, Weigold IK, Weigold A, et al. (2012) The multicultural personality: Does it predict international students' openness to diversity and adjustment? International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 36: 533-540 |
Yakunina ES, Weigold IK, McCarthy AS. (2011) Group counseling with international students: Practical, ethical, and cultural considerations Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 25: 67-78 |
Yakunina ES, Weigold IK. (2011) Asian international students' intentions to seek counseling: Integrating cognitive and cultural predictors Asian American Journal of Psychology. 2: 219-224 |
Yakunina ES, Rogers JR, Waehler CA, et al. (2010) College students' intentions to seek help for suicidal ideation: accounting for the help-negation effect. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 40: 438-50 |
Wilson JL, Armoutliev E, Yakunina E, et al. (2009) Practicing Psychologists' Reflections on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 40: 403-409 |