Maria I. Iturbide, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Developmental Psychology
"Maria Iturbide"

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Marcela Raffaelli grad student 2012 University of Nebraska - Lincoln (SocTree)
Brian Wilcox grad student 2012 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Latino adolescent adjustment: An examination of cultural values.)
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Ferguson GM, Iturbide MI, Raffaelli M. (2019) Proximal and Remote Acculturation: Adolescents’ Perspectives of Biculturalism in Two Contexts Journal of Adolescent Research. 35: 431-460
Iturbide MI, Gutiérrez V, Munoz L, et al. (2018) “They Learn to Convivir”: Immigrant Latinx Parents’ Perspectives on Cultural Socialization in Organized Youth Activities Journal of Adolescent Research. 34: 235-260
Ferguson GM, Muzaffar H, Iturbide MI, et al. (2017) Feel American, Watch American, Eat American? Remote Acculturation, TV, and Nutrition Among Adolescent-Mother Dyads in Jamaica. Child Development
Ferguson GM, Nguyen J, Iturbide MI, et al. (2017) Exploring the double-edged sword of cultural variability in interactions with family versus friends International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 60: 83-91
Ferguson GM, Nguyen J, Iturbide MI. (2016) Playing Up and Playing Down Cultural Identity: Introducing Cultural Influence and Cultural Variability. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Raffaelli M, Iturbide MI, Saucedo MA, et al. (2016) You Hear Stories About What They Did and It Makes You Go “Wow”: Adolescents Narrate and Interpret Caregiver Stories About a Difficult Time Journal of Adolescent Research. 32: 536-558
Raffaelli M, Iturbide MI, Carranza MA, et al. (2014) Maternal distress and adolescent well-being in Latino families: Examining potential interpersonal mediators. Journal of Latina/O Psychology. 2: 103-112
McGinley M, Carlo G, Crockett LJ, et al. (2010) Stressed and helping: the relations among acculturative stress, gender, and prosocial tendencies in Mexican Americans. The Journal of Social Psychology. 150: 34-56
Iturbide MI, Raffaelli M, Carlo G. (2009) Protective effects of ethnic identity on Mexican American college students' psychological well-being Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 31: 536-552
Crockett LJ, Brown JR, Iturbide MI, et al. (2009) Conceptions of good parent-adolescent relationships among Cuban American teenagers Sex Roles. 60: 575-587
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