Scott Withrow, Ph.D.

2014 Psychology/Industrial-Organizational Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Scott Withrow"
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Michael John Zickar grad student 2014 Bowling Green State University
 (Incidence and attributions of uncivil events: Should they be studied separately?)
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Carter NT, Dalal DK, Guan L, et al. (2016) Item Response Theory Scoring and the Detection of Curvilinear Relationships. Psychological Methods
Gillespie MA, Balzer WK, Brodke MH, et al. (2016) Normative measurement of job satisfaction in the US Journal of Managerial Psychology. 31: 516-536
Sliter M, Withrow S, Jex SM. (2015) It happened, or you thought it happened? Examining the perception of workplace incivility based on personality characteristics International Journal of Stress Management. 22: 24-45
Sliter M, Chen Y, Withrow S, et al. (2013) Older and (emotionally) smarter? Emotional intelligence as a mediator in the relationship between age and emotional labor strategies in service employees. Experimental Aging Research. 39: 466-79
Lake CJ, Withrow S, Zickar MJ, et al. (2013) Understanding the Relation Between Attitude Involvement and Response Latitude Using Item Response Theory Educational and Psychological Measurement. 73: 690-712
Sliter KA, Sliter MT, Withrow SA, et al. (2012) Employee adiposity and incivility: establishing a link and identifying demographic moderators and negative consequences. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 17: 409-24
Dalal DK, Withrow S, Gibby RE, et al. (2010) Six Questions That Practitioners (Might) Have About Ideal Point Response Process Items Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 3: 498-501
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