Allison K. Labbe, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Psychology | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Allison Labbe"Mean distance: 23748
Sign in to add mentorStephen A. Maisto | grad student | 2012 | Syracuse | |
(Efficacy of an Expectancy Challenge to Reduce Non-Prescribed Use of Stimulant Medications among College Students.) |
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Spinola S, Moskal D, Maisto SA, et al. (2019) Change in Marijuana Use and Related Problems among Adolescents in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: The Mediating Effects of Alcohol Consumption Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. 28: 312-322 |
Labbe AK, Wilner JG, Coleman JN, et al. (2018) A qualitative study of the feasibility and acceptability of a smoking cessation program for people living with HIV and emotional dysregulation. Aids Care. 1-7 |
Labbe AK, Wilner JG, Kosiba JD, et al. (2017) Demonstration of an Integrated Treatment for Smoking Cessation and Anxiety Symptoms in People With HIV: A Clinical Case Study Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 24: 200-214 |
Labbe AK, O'Cleirigh CM, Stein M, et al. (2015) Depression CBT treatment gains among HIV-infected persons with a history of injection drug use varies as a function of baseline substance use. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 1-8 |
Funderburk JS, Maisto SA, Labbe AK. (2014) Health-related outcomes associated with patterns of risk factors in primary care patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 21: 10-8 |
Labbe AK, Maisto SA. (2011) Alcohol expectancy challenges for college students: a narrative review. Clinical Psychology Review. 31: 673-83 |
Funderburk JS, Sugarman DE, Labbe AK, et al. (2011) Behavioral health interventions being implemented in a VA primary care system. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 18: 22-9 |
Possemato K, Ouimette P, Lantinga LJ, et al. (2011) Treatment of Department of Veterans Affairs primary care patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychological Services. 8: 82-93 |
Labbe AK, Maisto SA. (2010) Development of the Stimulant Medication Outcome Expectancies Questionnaire for college students. Addictive Behaviors. 35: 726-9 |