Marketa Krenek, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Psychology | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Personality PsychologyGoogle:
"Marketa Krenek"Mean distance: 23748
Sign in to add mentorStephen A. Maisto | grad student | 2014 | Syracuse | |
(Life Events and Alcohol Use Disorder Clinical Course: Modeling the Dynamic Association.) |
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Krenek M, Prince MA, Maisto SA. (2017) Life events and alcohol use disorder clinical course: Modeling the dynamic association. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 180: 137-143 |
Campbell SB, Krenek M, Simpson TL. (2017) The Role of Patient Characteristics in the Concordance of Daily and Retrospective Reports of PTSD. Behavior Therapy. 48: 448-461 |
Wilson SM, Krenek M, Dennis PA, et al. (2017) Daily Associations Between PTSD, Drinking, and Self-Appraised Alcohol-Related Problems. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors |
Krenek M, Lyons R, Simpson TL. (2016) Degree of correspondence between daily monitoring and retrospective recall of alcohol use among men and women with comorbid AUD and PTSD. The American Journal On Addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions |
Maisto SA, Ewart CK, Witkiewitz K, et al. (2016) Predicting Drinking Lapses in Alcohol Use Disorder: The Toxic Combination of Agonistic Striving and Poor Anger Regulation Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 35: 235-254 |
Maisto SA, Ewart CK, Witkiewitz K, et al. (2016) Predicting drinking lapses in alcohol use disorder: The toxic combination of agonistic striving and poor anger regulation Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 35: 235-254 |
Browne KC, Wray TB, Stappenbeck CA, et al. (2015) Alcohol consumption, craving, and craving control efforts assessed daily in the context of readiness to change among individuals with alcohol dependence and PTSD. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment |
Krenek M, Maisto SA. (2013) Life events and treatment outcomes among individuals with substance use disorders: a narrative review. Clinical Psychology Review. 33: 470-83 |
Maisto SA, Krenek M, Chung T, et al. (2011) A comparison of the concurrent and predictive validity of three measures of readiness to change alcohol use in a clinical sample of adolescents. Psychological Assessment. 23: 983-94 |
Maisto SA, Krenek M, Chung T, et al. (2011) Comparison of the concurrent and predictive validity of three measures of readiness to change marijuana use in a clinical sample of adolescents. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 72: 592-601 |