Christy Y. Leung, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Psychology | University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States |
Developmental Psychology, Asian American Studies, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Christy Leung"Mean distance: 42746.4
Sign in to add mentorCharissa S. L. Cheah | grad student | 2012 | UMBC | |
(The immigration experiences, acculturation, and parenting of Chinese immigrant mothers.) |
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Radesky J, Leung C, Appugliese D, et al. (2018) Maternal Mental Representations of the Child and Mobile Phone Use During Parent-Child Mealtimes. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics : Jdbp |
Leung C, Leffel K, Suskind D. (2018) Closing the Word Gap with Parent Talk: A Randomized Controlled Trial on Parent-Directed Longitudinal Home Visiting Intervention Pediatrics. 142: 788-788 |
Suskind D, Leung C, Zimowski M, et al. (2018) A New Clinical Tool to Access Parental Expectations and Knowledge about Child Cognitive and Language Development – the SPEAK Pediatrics. 142: 775-775 |
Cheah CS, Leung CY, Bayram Özdemir S. (2017) Chinese Malaysian Adolescents' Social-Cognitive Reasoning Regarding Filial Piety Dilemmas. Child Development |
Cheah CS, Bayram Özdemir S, Leung CY. (2012) Predicting the filial behaviors of Chinese-Malaysian adolescents from perceived parental investments, filial emotions, and parental warmth and support. Journal of Adolescence. 35: 628-37 |