Nellie Tran, Ph.D.

2010 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
Social Psychology, Asian American Studies
"Nellie Tran"
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Dina Birman grad student 2010 University of Illinois, Chicago
 (Using color-blindness to understand the effects of discrimination on the well-being of Asian Americans.)
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Tran N, Hayes RB, Ho IK, et al. (2019) Perceived Subtle Gender Bias Index: Development and Validation for Use in Academia Psychology of Women Quarterly. 43: 509-525
Tran N, Birman D. (2017) Acculturation and Assimilation: A Qualitative Inquiry of Teacher Expectations for Somali Bantu Refugee Students Education and Urban Society. 51: 712-736
Birman BD, Tran N. (2017) When worlds collide: Academic adjustment of Somali Bantu students with limited formal education in a U.S. elementary school International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 60: 132-144
Tran N, Paterson SE. (2015) “American” as a Proxy for “Whiteness”: Racial Color-Blindness in Everyday Life Women and Therapy. 38: 341-355
Birman D, Simon CD, Chan WY, et al. (2014) A life domains perspective on acculturation and psychological adjustment: a study of refugees from the former Soviet Union. American Journal of Community Psychology. 53: 60-72
French SE, Tran N, Chávez NR. (2013) Exploring the effect of in-group and out-group race-related stressors on anxiety among Asian Pacific Islander American students Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43
Tran N, Birman D. (2010) Questioning the model minority: Studies of Asian American academic performance Asian American Journal of Psychology. 1: 106-118
Birman D, Tran N. (2008) Psychological distress and adjustment of Vietnamese refugees in the United States:Association with pre- and postmigration factors. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 78: 109-20
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