Frederick J. Wertz
Affiliations: | Psychology | Fordham University, Bronx, NY, United States |
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Carter JW, Sugarman J, Wertz F. (2019) Donald E. Polkinghorne (1936-2018). The American Psychologist. 74: 514 |
Desai MU, Wertz FJ, Davidson L, et al. (2019) An investigation of experiences diagnosed as depression in primary care—From the perspective of the diagnosed. Qualitative Psychology. 6: 268-279 |
Desai MU, Divan G, Wertz FJ, et al. (2012) The discovery of autism: Indian parents' experiences of caring for their child with an autism spectrum disorder. Transcultural Psychiatry. 49: 613-37 |
Wertz FJ. (2011) The qualitative revolution and psychology science, politics, and ethics Humanistic Psychologist. 39: 77-104 |
Bogard K, Wertz FJ. (2006) The Introduction of a Qualitative Perspective in Advanced Psychological Research Training: Narrative of a Mixed Methods Doctoral Dissertation. The Humanistic Psychologist. 34: 369-398 |
Wertz FJ. (2005) Phenomenological research methods for counseling psychology Journal of Counseling Psychology. 52: 167-177 |
Wertz FJ. (2003) Freud's Case of the Rat Man Revisited: An Existential-Phenomenological and Socio-Historical Analysis Journal of Phenomenological Psychology. 34: 47-78 |
Wertz FJ. (1998) The role of the humanistic movement in the history of psychology Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 38: 42-70 |
Wertz FJ. (1997) Toward a Phenomenological Consumer Psychology: an Empirical Investigation of Buying Journal of Phenomenological Psychology. 28: 261-280 |
Wertz FJ. (1995) The scientific status of psychology The Humanistic Psychologist. 23: 285-304 |