Ian K. Bartol

Biological Sciences Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, United States 
"Ian Bartol"
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William M. Kier grad student (Biomechanics Tree)
Mark W. Luckenbach grad student (Marine Ecology Tree)
Mark R. Patterson grad student William and Mary (Marine Ecology Tree)
Sarah Laurie Sanderson grad student William and Mary
Mike Vecchione grad student Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Roger L. Mann grad student 1999 Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (Marine Ecology Tree)
 (Distribution, swimming physiology, and swimming mechanics of brief squid Lolliguncula brevis)
Morteza Gharib post-doc (BME Tree)
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Bartol IK, Ganley AM, Tumminelli AN, et al. (2022) Vectored jets power arms-first and tail-first turns differently in brief squid with assistance from fins and keeled arms. The Journal of Experimental Biology
York CA, Bartol IK, Krueger PS, et al. (2020) Squids use multiple escape jet patterns throughout ontogeny. Biology Open
York CA, Bartol IK, Krueger PS, et al. (2020) Squids use multiple escape jet patterns throughout ontogeny. Biology Open
Bartol IK, Krueger PS, York CA, et al. (2019) Correction: New approaches for assessing squid fin motions: coupling proper orthogonal decomposition with volumetric particle tracking velocimetry (doi:10.1242/jeb.176750). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 222
Bartol IK, Krueger PS, York CA, et al. (2018) New approaches for assessing squid fin motions: Coupling proper orthogonal decomposition with volumetric particle tracking velocimetry. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Jastrebsky R, Bartol I, Krueger P. (2017) Turning performance of brief squid Lolliguncula brevis during attacks on shrimp and fish. The Journal of Experimental Biology
York CA, Bartol IK, Krueger PS. (2016) Multiple sensory modalities used by squid in successful predator evasion throughout ontogeny. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Jastrebsky RA, Bartol IK, Krueger PS. (2016) Turning performance in squid and cuttlefish: unique dual mode, muscular hydrostatic systems. The Journal of Experimental Biology
York CA, Bartol IK. (2016) Anti-predator behavior of squid throughout ontogeny Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 480: 26-35
Bartol IK, Krueger PS, Jastrebsky RA, et al. (2015) Volumetric flow imaging reveals the importance of vortex ring formation in squid swimming tail-first and arms-first. The Journal of Experimental Biology
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