Brian J. Ayotte, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States |
Developmental Psychology, GerontologyGoogle:
"Brian Ayotte"Mean distance: 21373.2
Sign in to add mentorJulie H. Patrick | grad student | 2007 | West Virginia University | |
(Using the social cognitive theory to investigate physical activity in middle -aged and older married couples: A dyadic perspective.) |
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Goedereis EA, Mehta CM, Jones J, et al. (2023) "I want to focus on something that I feel really good about every day": Career development in established adulthood. Acta Psychologica. 234: 103863 |
Ayotte B, Revell A, Belanger N. (2020) The Examination of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Perceived Adulthood in Emerging Adults. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 91415020907312 |
Ayotte BJ, Margrett JA, Patrick JH. (2013) Dyadic analysis of self-efficacy and perceived support: the relationship of individual and spousal characteristics with physical activity among middle-aged and young-older adults. Psychology and Aging. 28: 555-63 |
Ayotte BJ, Allaire JC, Whitfield KE. (2013) Social support, physical functioning, and cognitive functioning among older African American adults. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 20: 494-510 |
Ayotte BJ, Allaire JC, Whitfield KE. (2012) Understanding within-group variability of everyday cognition in aging Black/African American adults: a mimic (multiple indicators, multiple causes) model approach. Experimental Aging Research. 38: 488-510 |
Ayotte BJ, Margrett JA, Hicks-Patrick J. (2010) Physical activity in middle-aged and young-old adults: the roles of self-efficacy, barriers, outcome expectancies, self-regulatory behaviors and social support. Journal of Health Psychology. 15: 173-85 |
Ayotte BJ, Trivedi R, Bosworth HB. (2009) Racial differences in hypertension knowledge: effects of differential item functioning. Ethnicity & Disease. 19: 23-7 |
Ayotte B, Margrett JM, Willis SL, et al. (2008) The relation between prescription drug usage and cognitive performance in later life Clinical Gerontologist. 31: 97-121 |