Pascale Chavis

Neuroscience INMED/INSERM U901 
"Pascale Chavis"
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Giua G, Strauss B, Lassalle O, et al. (2024) Adaptive group behavior of Fragile X mice in unfamiliar environments. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 135: 111111
Iezzi D, Cáceres-Rodríguez A, Silva JP, et al. (2024) Gestational CBD shapes insular cortex in adulthood. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Giua G, Pereira-Silva J, Caceres-Rodriguez A, et al. (2024) Cell- and pathway-specific disruptions in the accumbens of Fragile X mouse. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Iezzi D, Cáceres-Rodríguez A, Strauss B, et al. (2024) Sexual differences in neuronal and synaptic properties across subregions of the mouse insular cortex. Biology of Sex Differences. 15: 29
Giua G, Iezzi D, Caceres-Rodriguez A, et al. (2024) Sex-specific modulation of early life vocalization and cognition by Fmr1 gene dosage in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome. Biology of Sex Differences. 15: 18
Lezzi D, Céceres-Rodríguez A, Strauss B, et al. (2023) Sexual differences in neuronal and synaptic properties across subregions of the mouse insular cortex. Research Square
Iezzi D, Cáceres-Rodríguez A, Strauss B, et al. (2023) Sexual differences in neuronal and synaptic properties across subregions of the mouse insular cortex. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Bernabeu A, Bara A, Murphy Green MN, et al. (2023) Sexually Dimorphic Adolescent Trajectories of Prefrontal Endocannabinoid Synaptic Plasticity Equalize in Adulthood, Reflected by Endocannabinoid System Gene Expression. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Guily P, Lassalle O, Chavis P, et al. (2022) Sex-specific divergent maturational trajectories in the postnatal rat basolateral amygdala. Iscience. 25: 103815
Bouamrane L, Scheyer AF, Lassalle O, et al. (2016) Reelin-Haploinsufficiency Disrupts the Developmental Trajectory of the E/I Balance in the Prefrontal Cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 10: 308
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