Cheryl J. Wakslak, Ph.D.

2008 Psychology New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Social Psychology
"Cheryl Wakslak"
Mean distance: 19430.2


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John T. Jost grad student USC (PsychTree)
Yaacov Trope grad student 2008 NYU
 (A psychological distance approach to probability: Implications for representation, judgment, and decision -making.)
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Albarracin D, Conway P, Laurent S, et al. (2024) Inaugural editorial. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 126: 1-4
Yudkin DA, Liberman N, Wakslak C, et al. (2020) Better off and far away: Reactions to others’ outcomes depends on their distance Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 156: 13-23
Joshi PD, Wakslak CJ, Appel G, et al. (2019) Gender differences in communicative abstraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Johnson-Grey KM, Boghrati R, Wakslak CJ, et al. (2019) Measuring Abstract Mind-Sets Through Syntax: Automating the Linguistic Category Model Social Psychological and Personality Science. 11: 217-225
Torrez B, Wakslak C, Amit E. (2019) Dynamic distance: Use of visual and verbal means of communication as social signals Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 85: 103849
Ledgerwood A, Wakslak CJ, Sánchez AM, et al. (2018) A Brief, Distance-Based Intervention Can Increase Intentions to Follow Evidence-Based Guidelines in Cancer Screening Social Psychological and Personality Science. 10: 653-661
Kalkstein DA, Kleiman T, Wakslak CJ, et al. (2016) Social learning across psychological distance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 110: 1-19
Joshi PD, Wakslak CJ, Raj M, et al. (2016) Communicating With Distant Others: The Functional Use of Abstraction Social Psychological and Personality Science. 7: 37-44
Wakslak CJ, Kim BK. (2015) Controllable objects seem closer. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 144: 522-7
Wakslak CJ, Smith PK, Han A. (2014) Using abstract language signals power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 107: 41-55
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