Leanne R. Cianfrini, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | University of Alabama, Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Ethnic and Racial StudiesGoogle:
"Leanne Cianfrini"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorLaurence Bradley | grad student | 2004 | UAB | |
(Physiological and psychological mediators of ethnic group differences in laboratory pain sensitivity.) |
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Block C, Cianfrini L. (2013) Neuropsychological and neuroanatomical sequelae of chronic non-malignant pain and opioid analgesia. Neurorehabilitation. 33: 343-66 |
Block C, Cianfrini L, Andrews S, et al. (2011) Improvements in objective and subjective functioning following completion of an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program The Journal of Pain. 12: P85 |
Richardson EJ, Ness TJ, Doleys DM, et al. (2010) Catastrophizing, acceptance, and interference: laboratory findings, subjective report, and pain willingness as a moderator. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 29: 299-306 |
Richardson EJ, Ness TJ, Doleys DM, et al. (2009) Depressive symptoms and pain evaluations among persons with chronic pain: catastrophizing, but not pain acceptance, shows significant effects. Pain. 147: 147-52 |
Bradley LA, McKendree-Smith NE, Cianfrini LR. (2003) Cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions for pain associated with chronic illnesses Seminars in Pain Medicine. 1: 44-54 |
Alarcón GS, Cianfrini L, Bradley LA, et al. (2002) Systemic lupus erythematosus in three ethnic groups. X. Measuring cognitive impairment with the cognitive symptoms inventory. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 47: 310-9 |
Bradley LA, McKendree-Smith NL, Alarcón GS, et al. (2002) Is fibromyalgia a neurologic disease? Current Pain and Headache Reports. 6: 106-14 |
Kersh BC, Bradley LA, Alarcón GS, et al. (2001) Psychosocial and health status variables independently predict health care seeking in fibromyalgia. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 45: 362-71 |