Heather K. Terrell

Psychology The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, United States 
Social Psychology, Health Education, Women's Studies
"Heather Terrell"
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Grove RC, Hall DL, Rubenstein A, et al. (2019) Post‐Critical Belief Scale and Scripture as Predictors of Prejudice Journal For the Scientific Study of Religion. 58: 526-536
Adams KA, Nagoshi CT, Filip-Crawford G, et al. (2016) Components of gender-nonconformity prejudice International Journal of Transgenderism. 1-14
Loshek E, Terrell HK. (2015) The Development of the Sexual Assertiveness Questionnaire (SAQ): A Comprehensive Measure of Sexual Assertiveness for Women. Journal of Sex Research. 52: 1017-27
Hill ED, Terrell HK, Arellano A, et al. (2015) A Good Story: Using Future Life Narratives to Predict Present Well-Being Journal of Happiness Studies. 16: 1615-1634
Weatherly JN, Dymond S, Samuels L, et al. (2014) Validating the gambling functional assessment--revised in a United kingdom sample. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-Sponsored by the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming. 30: 335-47
Borhart HM, Terrell HK. (2014) Perceptions of Aggression are Colored by Gender Roles Psychological Record. 64: 441-445
Nagoshi CT, Nagoshi JL, Peterson HL, et al. (2014) The intersection of gender and sexual identity development in a sample of transgender individuals Gender Identity: Disorders, Developmental Perspectives and Social Implications. 43-54
Nagoshi JL, Brzuzy S, Terrell HK. (2012) Deconstructing the complex perceptions of gender roles, gender identity, and sexual orientation among transgender individuals Feminism and Psychology. 22: 405-422
Weatherly JN, Miller JC, Terrell HK. (2011) Testing the construct validity of the gambling functional assessment-revised. Behavior Modification. 35: 553-69
Bailey TK, Chung YB, Williams WS, et al. (2011) Development and validation of the Internalized Racial Oppression Scale for Black individuals. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 58: 481-93
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